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5 July 2010

Austral-Asian Debating Championships 2010 Break

Rank Team Wins
1 Monash 1 8
2 Sydney 1 7
3 Victoria 1 7
4 Sydney 2 6
5 Melbourne 1 6
6 Monash 2 6
7 Victoria 2 6
8 Queensland 1 6
9 Auckland 2 6
10 Sydney3 6
11 NSW 1 6
(capped) Sydney 5 6
12 Auckland 3 6
13 NUS 1 6
14 Auckland 4 6
15 Macquarie 2 5
16 ANU 1 5
ESL Break

1 Korea 1 4
2 DAE 1 4
3 MMUM 1 3
4 IIU 2 3


  1. Anonymous1:31 am

    Thank goodness for AA. Otherwise ANU 1 wouldn't have made it over Sydney 5, and craziness would have ensued.

  2. Craziness like the break more accurately reflecting the best 16 teams?


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