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18 December 2009

Special EUDC Council session at Koc Worlds‏

From EUDC mailing list:

Dear EUDC Country representatives, dear debate community,

hereby, I call a meeting of the EUDC Council to take place in Antalya at Koc Worlds on December 28th, over lunch. The exact time and place are still to be determined and will be posted on site in Antalya.

After a lot of discussion, I feel there is a need for discussing some rather urgent issues.

Please make sure that your country is represented at the meeting. I would like to apologize to all countries that for any reason will not be able to send representatives, but remind everyone of their right to send proxies acting for them. Please inform me beforehand if you plan to send a proxy on your behalf, preferably via e-mail or through facebook.

I expect this meeting to last considerably less than an hour. The urgency mainly stems from the proposed reg system for Amsterdam EUDC, and the elections of a new Worlds executive. Also, we would briefly like to update everyone on the work that has been done on decisions taken in Newcastle, so we will be able to follow through on these questions in Amsterdam.

This is the provisional agenda:
1. Report and vote: Registration System for Amsterdam EUDC 2010 (0:20 h)
A seperate e-mail containing detailed information will be posted immediately after this message.

Please find more information on this discussion at,

2. Report on the finalized ESL/EFL proposal (0:05 h)
3. Report and discussion on the elections of the new WUDC executive (0:10 h)
4. Provisional report and discussion on eligibility (0:10 h)
5. Provisional report on the reform of regions (0:10 h)

Duration of the meeting: 0:55 h, shorter if possible

This Agenda is available at

This Agenda will be updated where necessary on Google Docs.

This message will be sent to the following groups:

British Debate

The Facebook Group EUDC Council

Please forward this message to anyone who might be concerned with the issues.

I hope to see you in Turkey!

Kind regards,

Jens Fischer
President EUDC Council
jhbfischer [AT] gmail [DOT] com

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