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24 April 2008

debatewise launched

A new debate research website debatewise has been launched. Unlike debatabase or Debatepedia this one largely relies on contributions from users in the form of a forum debate on the subject. To get things going and help build up their database the site is running a competition to win prizes such as a MacBook Air, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPod which will be awarded based on contributions.

Here is an extract from the mail announcing the launch on britishdebate:

Dear all,
I've just launched my site, Our aim is to become the Wikipedia for debate and we work in a similar way: anyone can start a debate and anyone can edit a debate. The idea being that by allowing different proponents of an argument to collaborate, a definitive case will eventually emerge.

Our aim is to give people undecided about an issue the information they need to make up their mind. So we present the For arguments alongside the Against arguments and list them point by point. We also give people the ability to vote on the overall debate and on individual points. This gives visitors an indication of where the land lies and importantly, it provides debaters with feedback about how to win arguments. Imagine if a change in the phrasing sees the vote percentage shift from 40/60 to 55/45. There's some really useful information there about what persuaded people to your side.

To launch the site and seed it with good quality debates I have put together a competition to win a MacBook Air, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPod. The winning debates will be chosen by a panel including Samir Deger-Sen and John Leader-Maynard. Debates can be on any subject under the sun and the competition runs until the 14th May.

If you've already entered, congratulations and don't forget to get people editing and voting on your debate. If you haven't entered, you probably should. There's a really good chance of winning, especially for experienced debaters such as yourselves. And there's even a Zen prize for the person who most contributes to the debates of others.

More information can be found at Though I'd be delighted to answer any questions you may have about the competition here.
Thanks and good luck.

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