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2 January 2006

ESL Qtr Finals

ESL quarters motion:
This House would provide heroin to addicts through public health system

ESL quarter draw:
1p: Tel Aviv A
1o: Berlin C
2p: Tokyo A
2o: Bonn A

1p: Bolyai (sp?) A
1o: IDC B
2p: IIU Malaysia A
2o: Bremen B

1o: Haifa A
2p: Zagreb
2o: Bremen A

1p: Erasmus A
1o: Bonaparte A
2p: IIU Malaysia C
2o: Indonesia B

Thanks to Rachel Chan for the info.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:21 pm

    For those who have been checking here for quick results (thanks Colm!):

    The quarterfinal pairings are:
    OG: Yale A
    OO: Cambridge A
    CG: Melbourne A
    CO: Inner Temple A

    OG: Hart House D
    OO: Chicago A
    CG: UCC Phil B
    CO: Oregon A

    OG: Sydney A
    OO: Sydney C
    CG: Hart House A
    CO: Hart House B

    OG: Oxford B
    OO: UCC Phil A
    CG: McGill A
    CO: Yale E


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