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28 February 2011

Shortlisted in the Irish Blog Awards

After two or three years of being nominated we have finally made it from being nominated to being shortlisted in the Specialist blog categry.  Brian Cowen being good enough to hold the Irish Election and accompaning debates at the same time as the judging for the short list certainly helped catch the attention of the judges and I hope they saw other things they liked here.

I'm not sure how one goes from the shortlist to the final but fingers crossed.  There are some strong blogs on the list but you never know...


  1. Congrats, Colm, you're providing an invaluable service to our community, nice to see you getting some recognition for it.

  2. Thanks. It would be nice to make the final after about 13 years running the site (including a couple of pre-blogger formats) so fingers crossed.

  3. Congrats colm! I echo steve comments. well done


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