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29 December 2010

WUDC Summary of first day of competition

Here is a summary of events today.

Things ran behind schedule but that's almost a tradition at Worlds.  Small things snowball on day one and before you know it you are a couple of hours behind. 


Round 1 This house believes that national sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the national population
Round 2 This house believes that all countries should have the right to possess nuclear weapons
Round 3 This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status

Speaker point stats from @debatemotions
Round 1 max 86 min 54 average 74
Round 2 max 87 min 59 average 75.22

Thanks to all for rapidly posting motions, progress updates and positions for the streaming debates. Stars for the day goes to @philipjbarker & @stevellano

I have not come across many results yet. I assume they will appear as the night wears on. Keep an eye on #WUDC and the blogs I listed previously. I'll summarise them later tonight.

There are a number of recorded debates already online.

Round 1
Round 2  NTU B v NUSC C v Macaupoly A v Duke C
Round 3  UCD B v Sydney F v Koc A v NTU A

Round 1
Round 2  Munich A v Monash B v Middle Temple A v Bristol B
Round 3 (not recorded)

Room WUDC2
Round 1
Round 2  Jersey A v Queens B v Sophia A v UTMara A
Round 3  ANU B v Vermont D v Binus A v Yale B

Room WUDC3
Not operating today but should be up and running tomorrow.

They had 754 Recorded Video views and 851 Unique Viewers, 1,392 Total Views of the live stream. Thanks to @Kuzevski & @idebate for the great service posting the video. This has set a new standard for future Worlds (and other championships) to follow.


  1. Anonymous7:27 pm

    Where are the speaker point stats coming from? As in surely they are not released at this stage?

  2. The averages are often released so that judges can sort of calibrate where they are on the scheme.


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