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4 March 2010

Interested in sponsoring WUPID?

This is a repost of a post from  I have reposted it for two reasons (1) Hopefully someone will see it and decide to sponsor this excellent tournament. (2) It contains 5 good arguments any debating society or competition could use to structure their thoughts and presentation before going to ask a potential sponsor for money.  The arguments come from websites like and others and in this era of constrained finances I strongly urge people to seek guidance and advice from sites like that when looking for sponsors.  When money is tight nothing will have you shown the door faster than a presentation that looks like something that was thrown together in the back of the taxi on the way.  You don't have to pay for advice there is lots online but remember debating is not as high profile as other activities on your campus so you need to be more professional than them when you compete for the same pot of money.

Hello All,

You are already impacted by our efforts just from reading this post

People are captivated by the debate motions/topics and the respective arguments from our group of talented university debaters discussing matters related to social justice, foreign affairs policy, religious freedom, human rights and many more issues under the umbrella of peace.

We intend to showcase the event at other university debating events like the Auckland Austral-Asian Inter-varsity Debating Championship (July), Amsterdam European Universities Debating Championship (August) and the Asian British Parliamentary Debating Championship (December) which always draw a world-wide debate crowd. We work with non-government organizations to promote peace, government agencies to assist and drive potential policies or activities that fosters more academic debating.

This December prior to WUPID, we will debut our new debate conference which will be co-organized with the Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications of Universiti Putra Malaysia – the host university. The subject of the conference will help continue WUPID’s strong presence among the world debating community and the academic fraternity. Below are the top five reasons why our previous sponsors and us believe you should sponsor WUPID:

(1) Consumer Trust – In case you missed it, findings from the Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey released earlier this month show that 64 percent of consumers “completely” or “somewhat” trust sponsorship as a form of advertising. That is a giant leap from the 49 percent who said the same in the first Global Online Consumer Survey two years ago. It also puts sponsorship ahead of all other forms of company-generated advertising except for brand Web sites, which 70 percent of respondents found trustworthy. Specific forms of traditional, digital and mobile advertising are all ranked below sponsorship.

(2) Sponsorship for Association – Create new partnerships and enhance your corporate image by associating yourself with prestigious institutions of higher education around the world and an event that drives debate and discussion as a preferred instrument for conflict resolution.

(3) Cause Marketing and Social Purpose – Despite the recession, consumers are still spending with companies and brands which have a social purpose. New findings released from the 3rd annual Edelman good-purpose Consumer Study, a survey of 6,000 people in 10 countries, revealed that during this recession, 57 percent globally say a company or brand has earned their business because it has been doing its part to support good causes (with Asian countries coming in highest). Two out of three (67 percent) globally also say they would switch brands if another brand of similar quality supported a good cause.

(4) Corporate Social Responsibility – It all used to be about managing a few sensitive areas that had the potential to generate positive or negative headlines. But, as companies recognize the direct link between social justice and increased shareholder value, they are abandoning this mandated model and instead embedding sustainability and ethical values into customer loyalty-building, cost reduction, new product creation, sourcing and HR.

(5) Flexible Sponsorship Relationship – Brand’s association with the well-liked event does have some positive impact on consumer perception, but the visibility alone doesn’t do enough to really change how consumers feel, in some ways it could be reinforcing the negative opinions – consumer may well be aware of the brand but has a poor perception of the company’s products/services and believes that they are inferior to its competitors. If the stated objective is to change consumer perceptions, the brand should have room to do so much more. WUPID provides the room that would give the potential sponsor a forum to tout its benefits or refine its focus on opportunities for consumers to interact with the brand to prove it is of good quality.

For any company who would like to reach university students, improve consumer perception and directly impact future international policies, please email ‘more info’ to or check out our sponsorship page here.

We are willing to work with a wide range of companies on a monetary level as well as in-kinds. As an event that revolves around a social cause, we follow strict legal and accounting guidelines but please feel free to contact us for more information or just to say hi.

Muhammad Yunus
World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID)


  1. Anonymous2:39 am

    Thought it sounded familiar! Interesting ideas, but blatantly cut-and-pasted from and other websites. They should at least credit their sources! After all, potential sponsors must be able to trust you...

    Pretty shameful WUPID dudes! Good tournament idea, but just dodgy how you guys are running it..

    Cut and past into Google to find more. But here are some dead-ringers.

    1. In case you missed it...

    3. Despite the recession...

    4. Corporate Social Responsibility -

  2. I don't think they are claiming it as their own rather they are using the arguments given by etc to help encourage potential sponsors. If didn't want people to use the arguments to get sponsorship then why post them.

    I'm the one who credited WUPID as the source and I'm happy to update the post to clarify where they came from.

    And once again I would prefer if people did not hide behind anonymous to attack others. It's a shameful and dodgey act (to quote yourself).

  3. Anonymous5:51 am

    That's fair enough Colm. I just think it should be credited, especially when publishing it one your website (referring to WUPID). There's nothing wrong with borrowing ideas, but it annoys me when people tweak it a little and pretend it's theirs.

    I'd put my name, but the last time I did that, the person I was referring to didn't like it and chose to punish me. People are very sensitive to criticism unfortunately.

  4. student5:22 pm

    I'm not the anonymous one above but i think that they should cite the sources. :)


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