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7 April 2009

Org-comm of AUDC 2009 still want to host

The org-comm of AUDC 2009 have taken a considerable amount of criticism and I said in an earlier post if someone made a counter argument on what happened I would post it so here it is:

From AUDC Mailing list

Dear Friends,

Having at around a month of time in hand before AUDC, after getting the positive report by the 3 member observer team and the highest level assurance from the EWU Vice Chancellor, we believe it is important for the entire Asian Community to consider certain things before giving their consent by 8 April 2009, Wednesday.

Among many of the things said and discussed, the Org Com and the Management Committee (Comprising of Senior Faculty Members) feels, few of the following remainders to be brought into focus for better understanding of the current status quo.

Firstly, After having months of preparation and positive re-assurance by the observers' team as well as Executive Council; apart from few issues which are already been taken into consideration, We believe, being a Host institute having every measures been taken to hold AUDC, We deserve a positive assurance by upcoming Wednesday, 8 April 2009, 5pm Dhaka Time (GMT +6 Hours).

Secondly, Referring to the emails exchanged between the EWU Vice Chancellor and AUDC Council Chair Estelle as well as the Conversation with Latif Bhai, the Vice Chancellor along with his Adviser Committee and Management Committee both comprising of Board of Directors and Senior Faculty Members, has already confirmed the Possibility to host AUDC on the given schedule provided all the Teams Register on a given time. It is highly important to understand that the hospitality partners of the AUDC need to be paid in advance.

It must also be mentioned that EWU is still capable to host AUDC having 120 Teams or any less, as soon as the council reinforce quick payment of Registration which is been delayed due to certain unforeseen consequences.

Thirdly, we all know that the Mutiny which took place in 25 February 2009, resulted the closure of the Registration Process for about a month. This also includes the observers visit following the incident. Following the observers Report, Again referring to the VC's email to Estelle, East West University fully assured regarding the possibility of hosting AUDC in coming May. However, the Vice Chancellor proposed for shifting the tournament time by 1 month (in option B) in order to ensure that the participants are given time to register in a flexible time and make their travel arrangements comfortably.

EWU, under no circumstances, made any comment of not hosting the AUDC 2009. For which, we believe going for an alternative option was not necessary.

Lastly, it is a repetition but worth considering for better understanding of the level of involvement ensured by a great pool of experienced faculty members and the Vice Chancellor himself, we believe any sort of doubts should not stay among anyone any longer.

We hope, having all the things said above, the Asian Community will favorably Appreciate the necessity to hold this year's AUDC 2009 by EWU with the given level of effort already been put into making this tournament happen.

We strongly believe, this will not only solve the great financial loss that will cost those many participants who have already bought their tickets, but also will serve the great purpose of Unity among the entire Asian Community.


Sabera Haque
On Behalf of

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:42 pm

    So it's the fault of teams not registering fast enough and handing over their money. This is new and has not been mentioned before.

    Also earlier you told us the Vice Chancellor of EWU, knew nothing about some commitments made in his name, insisted on the replacement of the Convenor and Chief Adjudicator and requested the event be postponed so it could be better organised. Now he gives them the "highest level assurance". What is going on? Who is telling the truth?


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