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2 January 2007

Qtr Final Motion

The Motion for the Qtr Finals is

This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the death penalty instead

source: 1stpropinthefinal & yourgermancorrespondent


  1. Anonymous10:00 pm

    Isn't this a re-run of one of Alex's Durham motions?

  2. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Good luck to the McGrath/Kennedy team (my Irish heritage kicks in here.)

    Having said that, I note there are 6 Australian teams in the quarters. Wow! There are no NZ teams at WUDC this year and when there are no Kiwis in a competition, I usually support Australia...except when it's Ireland. So now I am torn. Irish v Australian final - YAY!

    Claire from New Zealand.

  3. Anonymous12:05 am's been pointed out to me that there is a New Zealander in the quarters, namely Ranald Clouston (debating in Cambridge C) so I'm backing the Kiwi.

    Claire from NZ.

  4. Anonymous8:21 am

    Queensland A made it through, B were knocked out


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